软文标题是很重要的。当浏览广告时,如果不能吸引观众的眼球,您的广告像藏在黑洞中一样没人点击。 怎么样去写一个好的标题,让你从大多数的广告中脱颖而出呢?


1. Who Else Wants [Something]? For example, Who Else Wants to Reduce Weight?

2. The Secret of [Something]. For example, The Secret of Saving Money.

3. Here is a Method That is Helping [Something] to [Something]. For example, Here is Method That is Helping Drivers Avoid Speeding Ticket.

4. Little Known Ways to [Something]. For example, Little Known Ways to Avoid Speeding Ticket.

5. Get Rid of [Problem] Once and For All. For example, Get Rid of Your Acne Once and For All.

6. Here is a Quick Way to [Solve a Problem]. For example, Here is Quick Way Improve Your Memory.

7. Now You Can Have [Something Desirable] [Great Circumstances]. For example, Now You Can Stay at Home and Make Money.

8. [Do Something] Like [World-class Example]. For example, Speak Like a Great Orator.

9. Have a / Build a [Something] You Can Be Proud Of. For example, Build a Software You Can Be Proud Of.

10. What Everybopdy Ought to Know About [Something]. For example, What Everybody Ought to Know About Affiliate Marketing.

11. Give Me [Short Time Period] – And I’ll Give You [Something]. For example, Give Me a Week – And I Will Make You a Better Tennis Player.

12. If You Don’t [Something] Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later. For example, If You Don’t Practice Now, You’ll Hate Yourself Later.

13. The Lazy [Something] Way to [Something]. For example, The Lazy Man’s Way to a Athletic Body.

14. Do You Recognize the [Number] Early Warning Signs of [Something]? For example, Do You Recognize the 7 Early Warning Signs of Credit Addiction?

15. See How Easily You Can [Desirable Result]. For example, See How Easily You Can Increase Your Website Traffic.

16. You Don’t Have to Be [Something Challenging] to Be [Desired Result]. For example, You Don’t Have to Be a Rich to Eat Gourmet Foods.

17. Do You Make These Mistakes? For example, Do You Make These Mistakes With Free Classifieds Ads?

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